Scientific publications
Non-exhaustive list of scientific publications about STRANNIK PPS.
Certification of our technology
The Ministry of Health has approved the use of the system as a professional medical advisory system. In 2002, the Ministry of Health of Russia issued a Certificate allowing the use of the Color Diagnostics and Color Correction System in
- health care institutions as a professional medical system for the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of more than 100 psychosomatic diseases. Our software complies with all medical indicators and requirements of scientific and technical documentation (protocol No. 27-11 / 02-6e, examination of software and databases of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation).
- A system of the first European class, safe for use by patients, specialists and suitable for use (registered with the Medical and Healthcare Products Agency of Great Britain (MHRA UK) Medical devices regulations 2002: regulation 19. 13 July 2006)
- Complies with the requirements of State standards GOST 28195-89 (Table 1, clause 2.3.3), GOST R ISO / IEC TO 9294-93 (clause 7.2.2), GOST R ISO / IEC 9126-93 (Appendix A., A.2.1, A.2.3), GOST R ISO 9127-94 (p. 6.3-6.5), GOST 34.602-89, GOST 19.208-78, GOST 19.502-78 (p. 6-7). Test report No. 1/2002 dated 14.01.2002 (OKP code 50 8000)
- Certification system GOST R. Certificate of official registration of the RF program Rospatent No. 980696.
Research team awards
- The research team of the company is an academic organization and has the status of a Collective member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences in accordance with the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences No. 139 dated 01.05.2001
- Certificate “For great contribution to the improvement of the nation” of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
- Certificate of honor "For the development and implementation of a unique medical diagnostic and preventive computer system, which makes an invaluable contribution to the massive recovery of the nation and can be of great benefit for Russian sports" of the Commission on Sports of the Expert Advisory Council on National Security of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
- Diploma "The best diagnostic and health-improving technology of restorative medicine". The sectoral program "Health protection and promotion for 2003-2010. MH RF ".
- Diploma "For outstanding contribution to the health of the nation." Official exhibition of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "Medicine - today and tomorrow 2002".
- Diploma "For a unique medical and diagnostic system." Eighth International Tourism Exhibition-Fair "Resorts and Tourism 2002".
- I degree diploma "For innovative development of the method of virtual diagnostics and therapy." First International Congress "Latest Medical Technologies".
- Letter of thanks "For the opportunity to specialize university doctors to work with a professional medical program" from the Management of the St. Petersburg University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.
Copyright certificates and patents
- A method for the treatment of chronic pancreatitis. Copyright certificate No. 1231665, 1986.
- A method for diagnosing pancreatitis. Copyright certificate No. 1436981, 1988.
- Medical information system. Copyright certificate No. 115272, 1994 ..
- Personal determinant of health Amrit. Copyright certificate No. 980985, 1998.
- Registration Sertificate by Stationers Hall (UK). Health Check. Entry No. B10 / 1514/40335. 27th May 1999.
- Registration Sertificate by Stationers Hall (UK) .Teacher. Check Entry No. B10 / 1514/40335. 27th May 1999.
- Registration Sertificate by Stationers Hall (UK). Consultant. Check Entry No. B10 / 1514/40335. 27th May 1999.
- Health terminal Copyright certificate No. 2001811245, 2001.
- Weight terminal Copyright certificate No. 2001611244, 2001.
International documents and research
- South Africa External Counterpulsation Clinic Test Report, Umhlanga, Durban, South Africa.
- Invited paper: Ewing GW. Your Health: analogue or digital? Journal of Digital Medicine 2016; 3 (2): 93-96
- Ewing G. What is the function of the Brain? What does it do and how does it do it? It functions as a Neuroregulator, which continuously regulates the Autonomic Nervous System and Physiological Systems, and enables us to Recognize that Sleep Exhibits the Characteristics of a Neurally Regulated Physiological System. J Neurol Psychol. 2016; 4 (2): 9.
- Ewing GW. Science or Non-Science. The challenge for medical research - to explain neuro-regulation. IEEE Technically Sponsored SAI Computing Conference 2016 (13-15 July 2016 | London, UK).
- Ewing GW. Further Perspectives on Diabetes: Neuroregulation of Blood Glucose. Neuroscience and Bio-medical Engineering (NBE) 2016; 4 (2): 75-83
- Ewing GW. The Use of Strannik Virtual Scanning as a Modality for the Earliest Screening of the Pathological Correlates of Alzheimer's Disease. Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Journal 2016; 10 (2): 2-20 ISSN: 1955-2068
- Ewing GW, Duran JC (2016) A Report of the Ability of Strannik Virtual Scanning to Screen the Health of a Randomly Selected Cohort of Patients. Enliven: Neurol Neurotech 2016; 2 (1): 001.
- Invited Speaker. Ewing GW. 7th Chongqing International Neurology Forum. 27-29th November 2015, Chongqing, China.
- Ewing GW. The successful treatment of Dysarthria using Strannik Light Therapy (Biofeedback): a case study. Case Reports in Clinical Medicine June 2015; 4 (7): 266-269. Invited Paper.
- Ewing GW. Back to Basics: Limitations of Research influencing the Human Brain Project. Comput Sci Syst Biol 2015; 8: 6: 322-326
- Ewing GW, Grakov IG (2015) A Comparison of the Aims and Objectives of the Human Brain Project with Grakov's Mathematical Model of the Autonomic Nervous System (Strannik Technology). Enliven: Neurol Neurotech 2015; 1 (1): 002.
- Ewing GW. Case Study: the Determination a Complex Multi-Systemic Medical Condition by a Cognitive, Virtual Scanning Technique. Case Reports in Clinical Medicine 2015; 4 (6): 209-221
- Invited Short Commentary. Ewing GW. Are we so obsessed with technology that we fail to apply basic logic to what we see? Human Genetics & Embryology 2015; 5: 1.
- Ewing GW. A Framework for a Mathematical Model of the Autonomic Nervous System and Physiological Systems using the NeuroRegulation of Blood Glucose as an Example. J Comput Sci Syst Biol 2015; 8 (2): 59-73.
- Ewing GW. 'Healthcare or Wealthcare?' Innovation Leaders Conference, Clare College, Cambridge University 27th / 28th February 2014.
- Ewing GW. Grakov IG. A Further Review of the Genetic and Phenotypic Nature of Diabetes Mellitus. Case Reports in Clinical Medicine 2013; 2 (9): 538-553.
- Ewing GW. The Great Medical Controversy of our Time: Why Vaccines MUST be Implicated in the Occurrence of Regressive Autism. ISBN 978-0-9556213-1-4 pub Montague Healthcare Books.
- Ewing GW. The 'Biology of Systems' or the 'Systems of Biology': Looking at Diabetes from the Systemic Perspective. Presented at 2nd World Neuroscience Online Conference, 20th June 2013.
- Ewing GW. Virtual Scanning: a New Medical Paradigm? Journal of Computer Science and Systems Biology 2013; 6: 93-98.
- Ewing GW. The 'Biology of Systems' or the 'Systems of Biology': Looking at Diabetes from the Systemic Perspective. International Journal of Systems Biology 2013; 4 (1): 45-56.
- Ewing GW. Educational Dysfunction: A Systemic Perspective upon the Biological Basis of Learning.
- Published in Education Today, the quarterly journal of the College of Teachers, 21st June 2013.
- Ewing GW. A Comparison of the Diagnostic Scope of Biomarker techniques, Genetic Screening and Virtual Scanning. Immunology, Endocrine & Metabolic Agents in Medicinal Chemistry 2013; 13 (1): 35-45 (11).
- Ewing GW. What are the Mechanisms which Regulate the Body's Function and, in particular, which Regulate Blood Glucose? Presented to Ottawa 2012 International Symposium on Biochemistry & Biophysics, Canada, 24th-25th October, 2012.
- Ewing GW. How Color Perception and the Autonomic Nervous System influences the Stability of the Physiological Systems: the application of Higher-level Mathematics and Pattern Recognition. 1st World Neuroscience Online Conference, 14th June 2012.
- Ewing GW. Blood Glucose is Neurally Regulated: the significance. Minerva Endocrinologica 2012 Supp1; 4: 62-65. Presented at 7th WCPD in Madrid, 12-13th November 2012.
- Ewing GW. Book Chapter, 'Complementary Therapies for the Contemporary Healthcare' pub InTech, September 2012. 'Cognitive, top-down, Systems Biology: Virtual Scanning' ISBN 978-953-51-0801-6
- Invited Speaker. Ewing GW. International Light Association (October 2012, Berlin), Virtual Scanning workshop (3hrs)
- Ewing GW, Grakov IG. Fashion or Science? How can orthodox biomedicine explain the body's function and regulation? N.Am. J. Med. Sci. 2012; 4 (2): 57-61.
- Ewing GW. Further Developments in Systems Biology: Virtual Scanning. Metabolomics & Systems Biology 2012 (20-22 February 2012 San Francisco) published in: Proceedings of International Conference and Exhibition on Metabolomics & Systems Biology April 2012 (Ewing GW (2012) Further Developments in Systems Biology. Metabolomics 2012; S1: 001. Doi : 10.4172 / 2153-0769.S1-001)
- Invited keynote speaker. Ewing GW: 80th Annual Conference on Light and Vision (May 2012 Colorado Springs).
- Ewing GW. The Regulation of pH is a Physiological System. Increased Acidity alters Protein Conformation and Cell Morphology and is a Significant Factor in the onset of Diabetes and other common pathologies. The Open Systems Biology Journal 2012; 5: 1-12.
- Ewing GW. The Application of Computer-based technologies in Medical Diagnosis: how this leads to a greater understanding of the processes which the body employs to regulate its function and which influence education and learning. Practical demonstration delivered at the. Interactive Technologies and Games 2011 (Nottingham, October 23-25, 2011).
- Ewing GW. The Influence of the Autonomic Nervous System upon Learning Ability including a demonstration of Virtual Scanning light therapy. Practical Paper delivered at the First European Conference on Learning Disabilities (September 9-10, 2011) in Zürich / Switzerland.
- Ewing GW, Parvez SH. The influence of Pathologies and EEG frequencies upon sense perception and coordination in Developmental Dyslexia. A Unified Theory of Developmental Dyslexia. N.Am. J. Med. Sci. 2012; 4 (3): 109-116.
- Ewing GW, Parvez SH, Grakov IG. Further Observations on Visual Perception: the influence of pathologies upon the absorption of light and emission of bioluminescence. The Open Systems Biology Journal 2011; 4: 1-7.
- Ewing GW, Parvez SH. The Multi-systemic Nature of Diabetes Mellitus: genotype or phenotype? N. Am. J. Med. Sci 2010; 2 (10): 444-456.
- Ewing GW. Mathematical Modeling the Neuroregulation of Blood Pressure using a Cognitive Top-down Approach. N. Am. J. Med. Sci. 2010; 2 (8): 341-352.
- Ewing GW, Parvez SH. Mathematical Modeling the Systemic Regulation of Blood Glucose: 'a top-down' Systems Biology Approach. NeuroEndocrine Letters 2011; 32 (4): 371-9
- Ewing GW. The Multi-Systemic Nature of Diabetes Mellitus. Presented at 6th World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and its Complications 2010, Dresden held 8-11th April 2010.
- Ewing GW. There is a need for an Alternative or Modified Medical Paradigm involving an understanding of the nature and significance of the Physiological Systems. N.Am. J. Med. Sci. 2010; 2 (6): 1-6.
- Ewing GW, Grakov IG. The Dynamic Relationship between Neural Function and Biochemistry: a Systems-based Perspective on the Processes of Pathology. Neurotalk 2010
- Nwose EN, Richards RS. Management of Stress and Stress-related Disease: Emerging computer-based technologies and the rationale for clinical laboratory assessment. N.Am. J. Med. Sci. 2009; 1 (6): 288-294.
- Ewing GW, Parvez SH. The Dynamic Relationship between Cognition, the Physiological Systems, and Cellular and Molecular Biochemistry: a Systems-based Perspective on the Processes of Pathology. Act. Nerv. Super. Rediviva 2010; 52 (1): 29-36.
- Ewing GW. A Theoretical Framework for Photosensitivity: Evidence of Systemic Regulation. Journal of Computer Science and System Biology 2009; 2 (6): 287-297.
- Nwose EU, Ewing GW. Computer diagnosis in cardiology: oxidative stress hypothesis. N.Am. J. Med. Sci. 2009; 1 (5): 220-5.
- Ewing GW, Ewing EN. Computer Diagnosis in Cardiology. N.Am. J. Med. Sci. 2009; 1: 152-159.
- Ewing GW, Ewing EN, Parvez SH. Developmental Dyslexia: the link with the Autonomic Nervous System and the Physiological Systems. Biogenic Amines 2009; 23 (3): 115-190.
- Ewing GW. What is regressive autism and why does it occur? Is it the consequence of multi-systemic dysfunction affecting the elimination of heavy metals and the ability to regulate neural temperature? N.Am. J. Med. Sci. 2009; 1 (2): 28-47.
- Ewing GW. Does an improved understanding of the nature and structure of the Physiological Systems lead to a better understanding of the therapeutic scope of Complementary & Conventional Medicine? Journal of Computer Science and Systems Biology 2009; 2 (3): 174-179.
- Ewing GW, Nwose EU, Ewing EN. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Management with Interactive Computer Technology and Nutrition: Two Case Reports. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2009; 15 (12): 1379-1381
- Nwose EU, Ewing GW, Ewing EN. Migraine can be managed with Virtual Scanning: case report. The Open Complementary Medicine Journal 2009; 1: 16-18.
- Ewing GW, Ewing EN. Cognition, the Autonomic Nervous System and the Physiological Systems. Biogenic Amines 2008; 22 (3): 140-163.
- Ewing GW, Ewing EN, Nwose EU. Virtual Scanning technology - the relationship to oxidative stress and applicability to diabetes management. Biogenic Amines 2008; 22 (4-5): 195-207.
- Ewing GW, Ewing EN. NeuroRegulation of the Physiological Systems by the Autonomic Nervous System - their relationship to Insulin Resistance and Metabolic Syndrome. Biogenic Amines 2008; 22 (4-5): 208-239.
- Ewing GW, Parvez SH. Systemic Regulation of Metabolic Function. Biogenic Amines 2008; 22 (6): 279-294.
- Ewing GW, Ewing EN, Parvez SH. The Multi-systemic Origins of Migraine. Biogenic Amines 2009; 23 (1): 1-52.
- Ewing GW. ICHM August 2008, published in the conference proceedings: 'The relationship between the autonomic nervous system, the physiological systems and their significance to complementary medicine' (including a demonstration of Virtual Scanning) '.
- Ewing GW, Ewing EN. 'Virtual Scanning - a new generation of medical technology - beyond biomedicine?' ISBN 978-0-9556213-0-7 pub Montague Healthcare books.
- Hankey A, Ewing EN. New Light on Chromotherapy: Grakov's 'Virtual Scanning' System of Medical Assessment and Treatment. eCAM 2007; 4 (2): 139-144.
- Ewing GW, Ewing EN, Hankey A. Virtual Scanning - Medical Assessment and Treatment. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 2007; 13 (2): 271-286.
- Grakov IG. Strannik Diagnostic and Treatment System: a Virtual Scanner for the Health Service. Minutes of Meeting No. 11 of the Praesidium of the Siberian of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR (AMN) held in Novosibirsk on 4 December 1985.
- Vysochin Yu et al, 2001. Methodology and Technology of Invigoration of Different Population Orders. In: Consolidated 5 year Research Plan of Physical Training, Sports and Tourism State Committee of the Russian Federation. 2000.
- Wallace LB. The theory and practice of syntonic phototherapy: a review. Optom. Vis. Dev. 2009; 40 (2): 73-81