What is neurophotonics?
The term neurophotonics comes from the association of the terms neuron and photon.
Neurophotonics is therefore this interface between physics and neuroscience. Neurophotonics harnesses the informational power of light (photons) to study the nervous system and better understand the mysteries of the brain.
Neurophotonics research is not recent, but its boom exploded with the beginnings of the conquest of space. First applied in the fields of military aerospace medicine, neurophotonics gradually joined leading-edge civilian medical research around the world at the end of the 21st century.
This new science has made it possible to develop many very avant-garde technological applications in many application fields:
- atomic-scale 3D brain imaging.
- Treatment of brain diseases, nervous system, multiple sclerosis, cancer, etc.
- Assistance and help in biological diagnoses and mental disorders.
- Exploration of the subconscious and establishment of pre-assessment and psychosomatic, psychological and personality assessment.
Aonghas von RYCKER holds degrees in astronomy and astrophysics, among others. His atypical career led him to join a group of medical researchers, mathematicians and computer scientists at the end of 2011. In 1992, he became the neurophotonics specialist, scientific advisor, data analyst, speaker and trainer in the development of one of these futuristic technologies: STRANNIK and its PPS version.
- Neuron is a basic cell that makes up nervous tissue. It allows the reception, analysis, production and communication of information. It consists of a main nucleus called the cell body around which many branches are organized - dendrites and axons. Although these ramifications are different, they can come into contact and then they form synapses which transmit information from one cell to another in biochemical, electrical, electromagnetic and photonic form.
- Photon, a Greek word meaning light, is an elementary bundle of energy (quantum) that is both wave and particle. It is classified as a Boson and transmits electromagnetic interaction. This complex set forms the main tool for astronomers and astrophysicists to explore and understand the universe from the infinitely small to the infinitely large. It represents tremendous vectors of information about the structure, function and origin of everything that exists in the visible and invisible universe.
Neurophotonics is therefore this interface between physics and neuroscience. Neurophotonics harnesses the informational power of light (photons) to study the nervous system and better understand the mysteries of the brain.
Neurophotonics research is not recent, but its boom exploded with the beginnings of the conquest of space. First applied in the fields of military aerospace medicine, neurophotonics gradually joined leading-edge civilian medical research around the world at the end of the 21st century.
This new science has made it possible to develop many very avant-garde technological applications in many application fields:
- atomic-scale 3D brain imaging.
- Treatment of brain diseases, nervous system, multiple sclerosis, cancer, etc.
- Assistance and help in biological diagnoses and mental disorders.
- Exploration of the subconscious and establishment of pre-assessment and psychosomatic, psychological and personality assessment.
Aonghas von RYCKER holds degrees in astronomy and astrophysics, among others. His atypical career led him to join a group of medical researchers, mathematicians and computer scientists at the end of 2011. In 1992, he became the neurophotonics specialist, scientific advisor, data analyst, speaker and trainer in the development of one of these futuristic technologies: STRANNIK and its PPS version.
What are neuro-regulation, phototherapy, light therapy and chromotherapy?
In its broad sense, neuro-regulation is a complex and non-conscious natural biochemical, bioelectromagnetic and biophotonic automechanical process which, via the neurological system, regulates all the body's functions in the face of internal stimuli or from the external environment to the body. Neuro-regulation is responsible as much for the proper functioning as it is for initiating or stopping, intensifying or weakening cells and organs. It can modify, transform, repair or destroy a cell or a group of cells depending on their reactivity to attacks. Targeted stimulation of the neuroregulatory process achieves effective correction for a specific purpose. There are different medical and non-medical techniques to stimulate neuro-regulation processes. One of these is phototherapy / light therapy neuro-regulation which uses information contained or imprinted in the photon to stimulate neuro-regulation processes.
Medically, phototherapy is a means of medical treatment that uses non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, that is, light. Phototherapy is used to treat specific areas of the human body and is used, among others: in ophthalmology, pediatrics, dermatology, surgery, photochemotherapy.
When we approach the psychic aspect of the individual and his environment, we are talking about light therapy and ambient light therapy, or even chromotherapy. Its use helps to synchronize the biological rhythms of a person in his field of action by stimulating the regions of the base of the brain and by increasing the level of serotonin (neurotransmitter). By treating circadian rhythm disturbances, light therapy and chromotherapy have an antidepressant effect and increase the vital energy of the individual.
Phototherapy, light therapy and chromotherapy use lasers or lamps (bulbs) with variable spectra that are colored or fixed in the solar spectral band, colored objects or paintings.
The range of action of phototherapy, light therapy and chromotherapy is wide and proves to be of great help in the treatment of many disorders:
But each individual is different and unique in his environment, in his experience and in the way he perceives the world.
By analyzing 16,000,000 shades of color, STRANNIK PPS is the only technology in the world capable of offering a specific and unique correction for each individual. This feature makes STRANNIK PPS the most powerful non-invasive correction tool in the world.
Medically, phototherapy is a means of medical treatment that uses non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation, that is, light. Phototherapy is used to treat specific areas of the human body and is used, among others: in ophthalmology, pediatrics, dermatology, surgery, photochemotherapy.
When we approach the psychic aspect of the individual and his environment, we are talking about light therapy and ambient light therapy, or even chromotherapy. Its use helps to synchronize the biological rhythms of a person in his field of action by stimulating the regions of the base of the brain and by increasing the level of serotonin (neurotransmitter). By treating circadian rhythm disturbances, light therapy and chromotherapy have an antidepressant effect and increase the vital energy of the individual.
Phototherapy, light therapy and chromotherapy use lasers or lamps (bulbs) with variable spectra that are colored or fixed in the solar spectral band, colored objects or paintings.
The range of action of phototherapy, light therapy and chromotherapy is wide and proves to be of great help in the treatment of many disorders:
- insomnia
- jetlag
- depression (seasonal, non-seasonal, postpartum )
- premenstrual syndrome
- chronic tiredness
- multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson disease
- Alzheimer disease
- senile dementia
- weight gain or loss
- addictions (alcohol, tobacco, etc.)
- sports performance …
But each individual is different and unique in his environment, in his experience and in the way he perceives the world.
By analyzing 16,000,000 shades of color, STRANNIK PPS is the only technology in the world capable of offering a specific and unique correction for each individual. This feature makes STRANNIK PPS the most powerful non-invasive correction tool in the world.
Is light phototherapy neuro-regulation quantum?
The word quantum comes from the Latin quantum (quanta in the plural) and means: the smallest measurable quantity indivisible. In quantum physics, nuclide or particle physics, the word quantum refers to the set of fermions and bosons. In the context of our research and our work, quantum refers to one of the main bosons: the photon or light, that is, a quantum of energy. Historically, the photon was the first elementary energy packet observed.
As we use the colors, specific wavelengths of the solar electromagnetic spectrum, therefore the photons, by analogy of what makes up the study of particle physics, we can say that neuroregulation by lumino-phototherapy uses behaviors quantum.
But then ... why not use the term "quantum" in the description of your products?
The word quantum has been taken out of context for several years, especially in the field of alternative health and coaching. It has become a business argument and a catch-all for selling and doing anything in the name of so-called "quantum".
As an astrophysicist, I use quantum physics on a daily basis in my various research models and I know perfectly well what "quantum" is, and especially what is not.
It is impressive how many people talk about "quantum" and do "quantum" when they have never studied or attempted to solve a single physics equation. From experience, we have seen some people become great specialists, even masters of “quantum” after attending a general public introductory conference on quantum physics or after having attended a weekend seminar with universities. another “quantum” guru absolutely not a physicist. We think these people would be well advised to show a minimum of humility and intellectual honesty, as their interpretations are often far removed from quantum reality as such.
We wish to recall that quantum physics requires long university studies to begin to tackle this intellectually very confusing subject of modern physics. That’s why, out of respect for science and our work, we don’t use this term which resonates today as a mere commercial argument against a background of abuse of public credulity.
As we use the colors, specific wavelengths of the solar electromagnetic spectrum, therefore the photons, by analogy of what makes up the study of particle physics, we can say that neuroregulation by lumino-phototherapy uses behaviors quantum.
But then ... why not use the term "quantum" in the description of your products?
The word quantum has been taken out of context for several years, especially in the field of alternative health and coaching. It has become a business argument and a catch-all for selling and doing anything in the name of so-called "quantum".
As an astrophysicist, I use quantum physics on a daily basis in my various research models and I know perfectly well what "quantum" is, and especially what is not.
It is impressive how many people talk about "quantum" and do "quantum" when they have never studied or attempted to solve a single physics equation. From experience, we have seen some people become great specialists, even masters of “quantum” after attending a general public introductory conference on quantum physics or after having attended a weekend seminar with universities. another “quantum” guru absolutely not a physicist. We think these people would be well advised to show a minimum of humility and intellectual honesty, as their interpretations are often far removed from quantum reality as such.
We wish to recall that quantum physics requires long university studies to begin to tackle this intellectually very confusing subject of modern physics. That’s why, out of respect for science and our work, we don’t use this term which resonates today as a mere commercial argument against a background of abuse of public credulity.
How are your personal data processed and where are they stored?
Your personal data are never passed on to third parties.
Only our office receives and processes them. These are stored and saved on encrypted hard drives that are owned by us. Your data is never and will never be connected to the web just as it is never and will never be sent to external servers or to the cloud. In addition, the use of your data requires a secure and 256-bit encrypted external dongle that only professional users of STRANNIK have.
Only our office receives and processes them. These are stored and saved on encrypted hard drives that are owned by us. Your data is never and will never be connected to the web just as it is never and will never be sent to external servers or to the cloud. In addition, the use of your data requires a secure and 256-bit encrypted external dongle that only professional users of STRANNIK have.
Is STRANNIK a medical device?
STRANNIK PPS is not a medical device even though the technology has received a lot of recognition in the medical field, it does not fall within the scope of the definition and classification of medical devices.
No physical connection, contact or sampling is made, no electronic probe or sensor is used.
STRANNIK PPS does not allow:
No physical connection, contact or sampling is made, no electronic probe or sensor is used.
STRANNIK PPS does not allow:
- to establish a clinical medical diagnosis,
- calculate or change the doses of medication that you need to take or inject and that have been prescribed by a healthcare professional,
- to say that you have a health problem or disease or to determine an individual risk percentage of having one.
- to establish a precise mapping of the reality perceived by the person tested by comparing it with the objective reality,
- to understand the unconscious disorders that generate this erroneous perception of reality,
- to use a language representing and symbolically linking large groups of organs, emotions, personal skills and personality traits,
- to target the psychosomatic impact of environmental events (attacks) and emotions experienced, felt and interpreted according to their experience by the person tested,
- to accurately correct these misinterpretations using a set of pulsed colors calculated uniquely for the test person and which will be displayed on a computer or tablet screen or through a projector as local mood light.
STRANNIK PPS is the perfect balance between
a healthy mind in a healthy body and a healthy body in a healthy mind.
a healthy mind in a healthy body and a healthy body in a healthy mind.
Which professionals can offer this technology?
STRANNIK PPS, which analyzes an individual in its symbolic and holistic principle, can be used in all personal and professional fields where humans are present. It is therefore intended for all professionals who work with human resources, who work for the well-being and health of humans, who must supervise, manage and guide humans, whatever their ages, their needs, their functions. and their skills.
A person can acquire the complete STRANNIK PPS system for their field of expertise for their clients or for themselves. In this case, she receives specific training adapted to her use, her skills and her field of expertise.
It may also not acquire the complete STRANNIK PPS system, but offer our specific MODULES to its customers as well as the TEST software. The analysis and development of the MODULES programs will then be subcontracted in all discretion by our experts from STRANNIK PPS.
A person can acquire the complete STRANNIK PPS system for their field of expertise for their clients or for themselves. In this case, she receives specific training adapted to her use, her skills and her field of expertise.
It may also not acquire the complete STRANNIK PPS system, but offer our specific MODULES to its customers as well as the TEST software. The analysis and development of the MODULES programs will then be subcontracted in all discretion by our experts from STRANNIK PPS.
How long does it take to analyze all the data?
The analysis of all the data and then the cross-referencing of all this data requires many hours of interpretation depending on the skills of the professional since each case is unique. Nevertheless, thanks to the synthetic presentation of the data by the software, a general primary individual analysis and a neuroregulatory program can be carried out in half an hour. It is for this reason that we offer ad hoc MENTORING and regular MENTORING which will meet the specific request of each of our clients.
Do all your troubles disappear after a single recalibration?
Human psyche is certainly the most complex subject in the world. There are no quick fixes to solve the difficulties sometimes rooted in the mother / fetus psycho-emotional experience in the intrauterine.
If by STRANNIK PPS we can detect and target the causality of a physical, mental, affective and emotional disorder, in the vast majority of cases, the cause is not unique since it is a set made up of 'a multitude of causalities. It is therefore impossible to deal with all of these causalities at once. This will be done step by step and it will take time for the physical body to integrate these changes.
This is why we are obliged to offer neuroregulatory blocks and then perform a new TEST in order to recalibrate according to your needs, but also according to the urgent or latent points that the analysis will bring out. This means that sometimes in order to solve a problem that will get you to point A, we will be forced to go through priority and essential back roads. It may therefore take more time and therefore more sessions.
To give you an idea, look at the number of sessions contained in each of our MODULES, while keeping in mind that this number only addresses one goal.
If by STRANNIK PPS we can detect and target the causality of a physical, mental, affective and emotional disorder, in the vast majority of cases, the cause is not unique since it is a set made up of 'a multitude of causalities. It is therefore impossible to deal with all of these causalities at once. This will be done step by step and it will take time for the physical body to integrate these changes.
This is why we are obliged to offer neuroregulatory blocks and then perform a new TEST in order to recalibrate according to your needs, but also according to the urgent or latent points that the analysis will bring out. This means that sometimes in order to solve a problem that will get you to point A, we will be forced to go through priority and essential back roads. It may therefore take more time and therefore more sessions.
To give you an idea, look at the number of sessions contained in each of our MODULES, while keeping in mind that this number only addresses one goal.
Why have you never heard about this technology?
As is the case with all research, it is carried out over many years in the shadow of laboratories. Then one day some applications are designed and adapted for the public domain. Almost every week, new technology appears and is marketed, all professional fields combined, but it is impossible to be informed about all the novelties.
But maybe you've heard of variable color spectra bulbs that soothe a mood or guide a store's customer base, the use of different colored lights to maintain the health of astronauts during their stays in the space, but also the harmful effects of the blue light emitted by the screens of computers, tablets, smartphones.
The unique and innovative technology of the STRANNIK PPS also uses colored light, but this is exclusively at the service of your health and well-being.
Be aware, however, that there are many scientific publications and clinical trials concerning STRANNIK. By following the link below, you will find a non-exhaustive list of the numerous publications, observations and tests carried out for more than 30 years: Scientific Publications.
Also note that since 1989, more than 500,000 clinical tests have been carried out. By following the link below, you can read the scientific protocol behind STRANNIK PPS: Scientific Study Protocol.
But maybe you've heard of variable color spectra bulbs that soothe a mood or guide a store's customer base, the use of different colored lights to maintain the health of astronauts during their stays in the space, but also the harmful effects of the blue light emitted by the screens of computers, tablets, smartphones.
The unique and innovative technology of the STRANNIK PPS also uses colored light, but this is exclusively at the service of your health and well-being.
Be aware, however, that there are many scientific publications and clinical trials concerning STRANNIK. By following the link below, you will find a non-exhaustive list of the numerous publications, observations and tests carried out for more than 30 years: Scientific Publications.
Also note that since 1989, more than 500,000 clinical tests have been carried out. By following the link below, you can read the scientific protocol behind STRANNIK PPS: Scientific Study Protocol.
What are the differences between ad hoc and regular MENTORING?
Ad hoc MENTORING is an intervention billed per session and which includes: the TEST and its analysis, a mentoring session, the development of a neuro-regulation program by lumino-phototherapy, a second mentoring session to take stock . Depending on the results of your TEST, your program block may have up to more than 90 sessions. There will be no recalibration between the start and end of your sessions.
Regular MENTORING is made up of modules, each dealing with a specific objective. The support in the form of a module is spread over several months and includes several TESTS and regular analyzes, mentoring sessions and blocks of neuroregulatory programs by lumino-phototherapy recalibrated after each new TEST. Whenever possible, we try to offer program blocks of around 30 sessions. This corresponds to 1 month with one session per day or 15 days with 2 sessions per day.
Regular MENTORING is made up of modules, each dealing with a specific objective. The support in the form of a module is spread over several months and includes several TESTS and regular analyzes, mentoring sessions and blocks of neuroregulatory programs by lumino-phototherapy recalibrated after each new TEST. Whenever possible, we try to offer program blocks of around 30 sessions. This corresponds to 1 month with one session per day or 15 days with 2 sessions per day.
What are the strenghs and particularities of regular MENTORING?
With his research experience, his knowledge in neurophotonics, analysis / interpretation of STRANNIK PPS data and individual and corporate mentoring / coaching and while continuing his collaboration with the original Russian development team of STRANNIK, Aonghas von RYCKER joined Marushka TZIROULNIKOFF to found in August 2017 the company WYNN SIGEL Ltd.
What seems to be the polar opposite of science, Marushka TZIROULNIKOFF, of Russian origin, is a Siberian shaman and has practiced her art from a young age. Then trained in psychology, psychoanalysis and differential clinical psychopathology as well as NLP, various methods of modified states of consciousness, prāṇāyāma and many other techniques, she acquired a long experience as a holistic therapist, healer, caregiver and companion of the end of life.
Together, they brought together science, ancestral tradition and alternative therapeutic care to develop, experiment, perfect and offer MODULES, unique specific programs of assistance to the person intended for individuals, life coaches, health, sportsmen, women. human resources of large companies, or to all people wishing to understand each other and / or to give themselves a new direction in life.
MODULES took months of work, development and experimentation. They are the result of unique know-how that you will not find in any other practitioner.
What seems to be the polar opposite of science, Marushka TZIROULNIKOFF, of Russian origin, is a Siberian shaman and has practiced her art from a young age. Then trained in psychology, psychoanalysis and differential clinical psychopathology as well as NLP, various methods of modified states of consciousness, prāṇāyāma and many other techniques, she acquired a long experience as a holistic therapist, healer, caregiver and companion of the end of life.
Together, they brought together science, ancestral tradition and alternative therapeutic care to develop, experiment, perfect and offer MODULES, unique specific programs of assistance to the person intended for individuals, life coaches, health, sportsmen, women. human resources of large companies, or to all people wishing to understand each other and / or to give themselves a new direction in life.
MODULES took months of work, development and experimentation. They are the result of unique know-how that you will not find in any other practitioner.
Why are our rates so low?
STRANNIK, avant-garde technology unique in the world, is the only one to detect the undetectable, that is to say the signatures of the subconscious and their impact on the cells, organs, personality and psychology of an individual. . This technology is the result of more than 35 years of laboratory research and clinical experiments. This required a substantial budget and funds are still essential to continue research and development.
For these reasons, the cost of operating this technology should strongly impact the price of a consultation including the test, its analysis and the development of a neuroregulatory program.
However, with time and an increasingly stable and faster Internet, the development of dematerialized tests now makes it possible to overcome cumbersome and technical installations, premises, waiting rooms, personnel management, etc.
The lowest possible rate allows us to make this technology affordable to as many people as possible and to all who can afford it.
For these reasons, the cost of operating this technology should strongly impact the price of a consultation including the test, its analysis and the development of a neuroregulatory program.
However, with time and an increasingly stable and faster Internet, the development of dematerialized tests now makes it possible to overcome cumbersome and technical installations, premises, waiting rooms, personnel management, etc.
The lowest possible rate allows us to make this technology affordable to as many people as possible and to all who can afford it.
Why cannot you find any testimonial on the quality of our work?
We have chosen to adopt a strict ethics with regard to professional secrecy and respect for private life. Aonghas has been working with this technology since 2012 and in association with Marushka since 2016. We have worked and work for large groups, national sports teams, coaching centers, various therapists, doctors and many individuals, either live or under -treatment.
But besides our strict ethics, why do our customers want to remain silent?
When you've found the goose that lays the golden eggs, the little thing that puts your company at the top of the list or that allows you to have the best people, the secret that makes you a different and fulfilled person, the little extra who gets you across the finish line 1/100 of a second early, would you like to share your secret with everyone? You will undoubtedly share the joy of your well-being, your success and some will feel the need to show it off to everyone by showing off their beautiful car or their beautiful house. But reveal THE secret that makes your difference… certainly not! This is why our customers remain reserved even if sometimes - and we thank them for it - they quietly whisper our address in the ear of a special friend or a company they want to help.
But besides our strict ethics, why do our customers want to remain silent?
When you've found the goose that lays the golden eggs, the little thing that puts your company at the top of the list or that allows you to have the best people, the secret that makes you a different and fulfilled person, the little extra who gets you across the finish line 1/100 of a second early, would you like to share your secret with everyone? You will undoubtedly share the joy of your well-being, your success and some will feel the need to show it off to everyone by showing off their beautiful car or their beautiful house. But reveal THE secret that makes your difference… certainly not! This is why our customers remain reserved even if sometimes - and we thank them for it - they quietly whisper our address in the ear of a special friend or a company they want to help.
Are there any contraindications to performing the TEST?
No. The TEST is in the form of a computer game. It does not use any sensory, electrical, chemical or magnetic sensors. It is completely non-invasive.
How long does it take to perform the TEST?
The TEST duration depends on each individual. Usually this is between 10 and 15 minutes.
When to perform the TEST?
You can perform the TEST at any time of the day. Just be careful not to get too tired.
Can you perform the TEST if you are going through an emotional crisis?
While it is preferable to do the TEST under conditions of normal tiredness, doing it in a crisis situation can be an excellent thing, because it will then be possible for us to immediately identify and understand your most basic patterns (brain reptilian, genetic triggers, psycho-emotional patterns) and the psychosomatic impact of these on your body. The neuro-regulation program by lumino-phototherapy will then be perfectly suited to the crisis you are going through.
Can your child perform the TEST?
Yes, if he is able to play with a computer mouse and with colors.
However, we bring to your attention that the responsibility for the use of the TEST is the sole responsibility of the legally designated parents or guardians. In most cases, the parent or guardian responsible for the child will also need to do a TEST.
During the scientific clinical development protocol, a group of 5-year-old children was formed (Scientific Study Protocol).
However, we bring to your attention that the responsibility for the use of the TEST is the sole responsibility of the legally designated parents or guardians. In most cases, the parent or guardian responsible for the child will also need to do a TEST.
During the scientific clinical development protocol, a group of 5-year-old children was formed (Scientific Study Protocol).
Are there any contraindications to following a neuro-regulation program?
Each light phototherapy neuro-regulation program is unique and corresponds only to the digitized data of the person tested. Neuro-regulation by targeted and pulsed colors restores spectral balance. There can be no excess. This responds to the physical principles of spectral (frequency) harmonics.
Only people with epilepsy cannot receive the neuro-regulation program. They can nevertheless carry out a brief test, but only if they are supervised and in agreement with a medical team present.
Only people with epilepsy cannot receive the neuro-regulation program. They can nevertheless carry out a brief test, but only if they are supervised and in agreement with a medical team present.
It is possible to treat yourself with neuro-regulation without taking medication?
The function of STRANNIK PPS is to target and treat the causes of physical and mental discomfort as well as engrammation carried out throughout the nervous system. The consequences are diagnosed and very well treated by modern medicine. These two approaches are totally distinct, but they are fully complementary.
Therefore, if you are taking a treatment prescribed by your doctor, you should definitely continue with it. Your neuro-regulation treatment will prove to be a beneficial addition. The neuro-regulation program is not a medical treatment as such and is not intended to replace medical treatment.
STRANNIK PPS is an alternative wellness therapy program. Be aware, however, that for the moment and according to the law in force in your country of residence, you are free to follow the treatment protocol that you decide to choose, whether this protocol comes from conventional medicine or from non-medicine. conventional. Also understand that by addressing the causes of a problem you will de facto gradually change its consequences.
Therefore, if you are taking a treatment prescribed by your doctor, you should definitely continue with it. Your neuro-regulation treatment will prove to be a beneficial addition. The neuro-regulation program is not a medical treatment as such and is not intended to replace medical treatment.
STRANNIK PPS is an alternative wellness therapy program. Be aware, however, that for the moment and according to the law in force in your country of residence, you are free to follow the treatment protocol that you decide to choose, whether this protocol comes from conventional medicine or from non-medicine. conventional. Also understand that by addressing the causes of a problem you will de facto gradually change its consequences.
Are the benefits and results of neuro-regulation clinically observable?
It was by transposing the model of the symbolic and psychosomatic relationship established by the analysis of STRANNIK in the medical field that during the neuro-regulation sessions, the following clinical effects were observed:
The inhibition of biological aging processes results in the reduction of signs of aging:
- increased number of lymphocytes and red blood cells,
- increase in the body's maximum oxygen uptake,
- improvement of the heart's oxygen supply,
- increased salivary amylase activity and the secretion of gastric juices,
- increased enzymes in pancreatic juice,
- normalization of the absorption of fatty acids in the intestine,
- improvement of the motor function of the large intestine,
- increased ability of the liver to resist harmful substances,
- increased thyroxine content in the blood,
- increased beta cells in the pancreas,
- increased sex hormones in men,
- increased estrogen secretion in women,
- improvement of the concentration functions of the kidneys,
- decrease in fatty infiltration of the cornea of the eyes,
- improvement of hearing, vision and smell,
- improvement of the elasticity of the skin,
- slowing down of bone osteoporosis,
- decrease in the amount of body fat in brain neurons,
- improved perception, attention, memory and emotional stability.
The inhibition of biological aging processes results in the reduction of signs of aging:
- gray hair stops multiplying and can in some cases regain its original color,
- the skin regains its elasticity,
- sleep is normalized,
- libido is awakened,
- increased reproductive capacities,
- the vital functions stabilize and the subject feels better efficiency in both physical and intellectual fields.
Can your child follow a neuro-regulation program?
Your child may well follow a neuroregulatory program.
However, we inform you that the responsibility for the use of the neuro-regulation program is the sole responsibility of the parents or legally appointed guardians. In most cases, the parent or guardian responsible for the child will also need to do a TEST and possibly follow a neuro-regulation program.
However, we inform you that the responsibility for the use of the neuro-regulation program is the sole responsibility of the parents or legally appointed guardians. In most cases, the parent or guardian responsible for the child will also need to do a TEST and possibly follow a neuro-regulation program.
Is your neuro-regulation program personalized?
Each neuro-regulation program is calibrated for a single person, at a time T. No side effects have been observed in more than 500,000 programs performed, with a maximum of 4 sessions per day. During the first sessions, the person may possibly experience a slight and transient exacerbation. This rare reaction is harmless. It can possibly extend up to 3 or even 5 days then everything returns to order and normalizes. The program should therefore not be interrupted.
Since there is no such thing as a generic or universal neuroregulatory program, you cannot pass the one that has been calibrated for you to another person. No one individual has the same neural pathways and genetic triggers as another. Each program is unique and individually designed.
In the same vein, isolate yourself to follow your neuro-regulation program. If you had cancer and were on chemotherapy treatment, would it occur to you to share this treatment with your child, your best friend or your dog?
Pets adapt so that they are not disturbed by the session and if they can leave the room, they do so on their own. The adults feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and in fact, they also leave the room. Children on the other hand, especially younger ones, tend to defy the screen by staring at it, so you will need to exclude them before your session begins.
If it is not possible to physically isolate yourself in a room, put a towel, bath towel or blanket over your head and on your screen, always making sure to leave the air intakes of your device clear. . We use this method when we travel by plane, boat or bus, but also in bed so as not to bother our partner.
Since there is no such thing as a generic or universal neuroregulatory program, you cannot pass the one that has been calibrated for you to another person. No one individual has the same neural pathways and genetic triggers as another. Each program is unique and individually designed.
In the same vein, isolate yourself to follow your neuro-regulation program. If you had cancer and were on chemotherapy treatment, would it occur to you to share this treatment with your child, your best friend or your dog?
Pets adapt so that they are not disturbed by the session and if they can leave the room, they do so on their own. The adults feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable, and in fact, they also leave the room. Children on the other hand, especially younger ones, tend to defy the screen by staring at it, so you will need to exclude them before your session begins.
If it is not possible to physically isolate yourself in a room, put a towel, bath towel or blanket over your head and on your screen, always making sure to leave the air intakes of your device clear. . We use this method when we travel by plane, boat or bus, but also in bed so as not to bother our partner.
Optimal conditions to follow your program
It is strongly recommended that you do your sessions in a calm and comfortable environment. Turn off your cell phones and tell those around you not to disturb you, whatever the circumstances. Take a seat in a dark place, if not completely dark. Remember, this is a time for you to do yourself some good.
The screen you are using (PC, tablet) should be at an appropriate distance from your eyes based on its size. Always focus your sight as if you are reading something on the screen. To maintain focus, do not hesitate to move your gaze during the session towards the corners, the edges, the center of the colors. It is also an excellent exercise for strengthening the eyes, unfortunately less and less practiced in our modern societies. During the session, it is advisable to do simple exercises that will occupy the mind in a creative way: breathing in awareness, practicing cardiac coherence, etc. You can also listen to relaxing or meditative music.
If you put your laptop on a bed or on your knees, be careful to always ensure that the air intakes of your PC are not blocked (risk of overheating or even fire).
The screen you are using (PC, tablet) should be at an appropriate distance from your eyes based on its size. Always focus your sight as if you are reading something on the screen. To maintain focus, do not hesitate to move your gaze during the session towards the corners, the edges, the center of the colors. It is also an excellent exercise for strengthening the eyes, unfortunately less and less practiced in our modern societies. During the session, it is advisable to do simple exercises that will occupy the mind in a creative way: breathing in awareness, practicing cardiac coherence, etc. You can also listen to relaxing or meditative music.
If you put your laptop on a bed or on your knees, be careful to always ensure that the air intakes of your PC are not blocked (risk of overheating or even fire).
Number of sessions in a program
The neuro-regulation program is specific to each person and each case. It is therefore impossible to predict the number of sessions in advance.
Whenever possible, we try to offer program blocks of around 30 sessions. This corresponds to 1 month with one session per day or 15 days with 2 sessions per day.
Whenever possible, we try to offer program blocks of around 30 sessions. This corresponds to 1 month with one session per day or 15 days with 2 sessions per day.
- Ad hoc MENTORING, consultation during the session does not offer personal follow-up. You choose to consult us again at the end of your program. Depending on the results of your TEST, your program block may contain more than 90 sessions. There will be no recalibration between the start and end of your sessions.
- Regular MENTORING: these are specific programs including TESTS which are calibrated regularly and individual monitoring throughout the duration of the MODULE. MODULES are made up of several blocks of approximately 30 sessions. Between each block a new TEST is carried out in order to recalibrate the data and propose the next block of sessions. Every two blocks (+/-), an interview / assessment by videoconference is carried out. This until the end of the MODULE. The total number of sessions per MODULE varies according to the nature of it.
Duration of a session
The average duration of a session is around 20 minutes. The shortest can be 12 minutes, the longest 40 minutes.
So think about adjusting your schedule accordingly. To do this, during the first session of each block of the lumino-phototherapy neuroregulatory program, note its duration. All other sessions in this session will always have the same duration.
So think about adjusting your schedule accordingly. To do this, during the first session of each block of the lumino-phototherapy neuroregulatory program, note its duration. All other sessions in this session will always have the same duration.
Regularity of sessions
In the same way that you would follow a drug treatment and if you want to achieve the desired results, you are responsible for carrying out the neuroregulatory program until its completion and according to the advice we give you. It is necessary to do at least 1 session per 24 hour period. If you do 2 sessions per 24 hours, is better. If you want to get faster results, you can do up to 3 or even 4 sessions per 24-hour period.
Allow a minimum of 3 hours break between each session. Organize yourself according to your schedule. For example, you can do one session in the morning, just after you wake up, and a second in the evening a little before you go to bed.
If you forgot to do a session ...
Error and forgetfulness are human. No worries if the interruption has not exceeded 48 hours. Beyond this period, your treatment will no longer be suitable and a new TEST will be necessary to recalibrate your sessions. Why ? Neuroregulation restores and regenerates your neural patterns, putting them back in place or creating new ones. It therefore works to change your most deeply rooted habits. If you interrupt your sessions, the neural patterns that are at the origin of your discomfort will very quickly return to their place.
If you have received your program, but decide to wait before starting it ...
It is a fundamental mistake to put off what can be done right now. The TEST-GAME, the results and the program give results at an instant T. You must therefore start your neuro-regulation program as soon as it is received or at the latest within 24 hours.
If you decide to stop your program before you finish it ...
You are fully responsible for your lifestyle choices and your comfort. No one has the right to judge or condemn you if you stop any program or treatment. But still be honest with yourself and with others. If you stop a program, you cannot expect to get the results you expect. So you can't blame the program for ineffective if you don't fully follow the protocol from start to finish. And remember, just running around your house twice won't make you a marathon runner!
If you decide to take a break from your program ...
Would you stop chemical drug treatment if you went on a weekend or vacation? Likewise, your lumino-phototherapy neuroregulatory program doesn't end miraculously, so does your well-being. Organize yourself to grab your PC (or tablet) and continue your sessions while on the move. We have also found that all of our neuroregulatory programs are even more effective during these periods. Why ? Because when you go on weekends or vacations, you break your habits, your routine, and you are generally more relaxed, relaxed, mind removed from your daily problems. You are then more receptive to welcome the change.
If you stop a session in progress (voluntary stoppage, battery or electricity failure) ...
If it is a voluntary stop, because you have pressed the ESC key, a message appears asking you if the session is complete. Click on NO. You will repeat this session as soon as you resume your program. If your PC suddenly turns off, when you restart the program, you will find either that the session has been validated or that it has been canceled. Continue your program without worrying about this detail.
If you fall asleep during a session ...
Nothing serious since the photonic information passes through the eyelids and skin. However, the intensity will be less since it is calculated for direct observation, eyes open.
Allow a minimum of 3 hours break between each session. Organize yourself according to your schedule. For example, you can do one session in the morning, just after you wake up, and a second in the evening a little before you go to bed.
If you forgot to do a session ...
Error and forgetfulness are human. No worries if the interruption has not exceeded 48 hours. Beyond this period, your treatment will no longer be suitable and a new TEST will be necessary to recalibrate your sessions. Why ? Neuroregulation restores and regenerates your neural patterns, putting them back in place or creating new ones. It therefore works to change your most deeply rooted habits. If you interrupt your sessions, the neural patterns that are at the origin of your discomfort will very quickly return to their place.
If you have received your program, but decide to wait before starting it ...
It is a fundamental mistake to put off what can be done right now. The TEST-GAME, the results and the program give results at an instant T. You must therefore start your neuro-regulation program as soon as it is received or at the latest within 24 hours.
If you decide to stop your program before you finish it ...
You are fully responsible for your lifestyle choices and your comfort. No one has the right to judge or condemn you if you stop any program or treatment. But still be honest with yourself and with others. If you stop a program, you cannot expect to get the results you expect. So you can't blame the program for ineffective if you don't fully follow the protocol from start to finish. And remember, just running around your house twice won't make you a marathon runner!
If you decide to take a break from your program ...
Would you stop chemical drug treatment if you went on a weekend or vacation? Likewise, your lumino-phototherapy neuroregulatory program doesn't end miraculously, so does your well-being. Organize yourself to grab your PC (or tablet) and continue your sessions while on the move. We have also found that all of our neuroregulatory programs are even more effective during these periods. Why ? Because when you go on weekends or vacations, you break your habits, your routine, and you are generally more relaxed, relaxed, mind removed from your daily problems. You are then more receptive to welcome the change.
If you stop a session in progress (voluntary stoppage, battery or electricity failure) ...
If it is a voluntary stop, because you have pressed the ESC key, a message appears asking you if the session is complete. Click on NO. You will repeat this session as soon as you resume your program. If your PC suddenly turns off, when you restart the program, you will find either that the session has been validated or that it has been canceled. Continue your program without worrying about this detail.
If you fall asleep during a session ...
Nothing serious since the photonic information passes through the eyelids and skin. However, the intensity will be less since it is calculated for direct observation, eyes open.
And when you are done
No need to restart the sessions of the program you have just finished, they are erased as you progress. Once all the sessions have been completed, the program is empty. If you have kept a copy of the folder containing your neuro-regulation files, never reinstall it since it will no longer be suitable. If you want to continue your transformation, another reassessment TEST is required.
You are taking medical treatment
Under no circumstances should you stop your current chemical drug treatments. Only the doctor prescribing your treatment is empowered to take responsibility for reducing, modifying or stopping your medication based on your clinical results.
However, it has been found that the effectiveness of neuroregulation by lumino-phototherapy requires most of the time to correct the doses of your medications downwards. This can only be done with and by the doctor or therapist who prescribed the chemical or alternative medical treatment.
However, it has been found that the effectiveness of neuroregulation by lumino-phototherapy requires most of the time to correct the doses of your medications downwards. This can only be done with and by the doctor or therapist who prescribed the chemical or alternative medical treatment.
You have a serious or incurable disease
Perform the test
If you have a serious or incurable illness, you can take the TEST which will allow you to target the unconscious causes of your illness or discomfort.
If you are paralyzed or if you cannot use your hands, you can be assisted by a third party. It will have to remain neutral, not express its opinion and be satisfied to carry out exactly what you order from it concerning the choice of such or such color, its reduction or its increase.
Follow a neuro-regulation program
Light phototherapy neuro-regulation aims to restore and regenerate imbalances, to manage all types of stress, to relax you while working within you. It is therefore a welcome and essential addition in any difficult situation.
Under no circumstances should you stop your current chemical drug treatments. Only the doctor prescribing your treatment is empowered to take responsibility for reducing, modifying or stopping your medication based on your clinical results.
If you have a serious or incurable illness, you can take the TEST which will allow you to target the unconscious causes of your illness or discomfort.
If you are paralyzed or if you cannot use your hands, you can be assisted by a third party. It will have to remain neutral, not express its opinion and be satisfied to carry out exactly what you order from it concerning the choice of such or such color, its reduction or its increase.
Follow a neuro-regulation program
Light phototherapy neuro-regulation aims to restore and regenerate imbalances, to manage all types of stress, to relax you while working within you. It is therefore a welcome and essential addition in any difficult situation.
Under no circumstances should you stop your current chemical drug treatments. Only the doctor prescribing your treatment is empowered to take responsibility for reducing, modifying or stopping your medication based on your clinical results.
You have a visual disturbance
If you wear glasses or contact lenses all the time, keep them on for the TEST. If you only wear them occasionally, use your common sense and see what works best for you.
As for the neuro-regulation program, you can do without glasses or contact lenses if it is comfortable for you.
If you are color blind, you can take the TEST and follow a neuroregulatory program.
If you are blind, you unfortunately cannot perform the TEST or follow a neuro-regulation program since you cannot perceive the photons by your eye organ. The informative perception you get of your surroundings takes another neural path. Even though the end result on your psyche and physiology is the same, our technology only uses a visual TEST. We can, however, achieve the same results by other techniques related to the exploration of the subconscious and the altered states of consciousness that we practice. Marushka has a long and practical experience in this field. Contact us directly and we'll talk about it together.
As for the neuro-regulation program, you can do without glasses or contact lenses if it is comfortable for you.
If you are color blind, you can take the TEST and follow a neuroregulatory program.
If you are blind, you unfortunately cannot perform the TEST or follow a neuro-regulation program since you cannot perceive the photons by your eye organ. The informative perception you get of your surroundings takes another neural path. Even though the end result on your psyche and physiology is the same, our technology only uses a visual TEST. We can, however, achieve the same results by other techniques related to the exploration of the subconscious and the altered states of consciousness that we practice. Marushka has a long and practical experience in this field. Contact us directly and we'll talk about it together.
You have epilepsy
If you have epilepsy, you can do the TEST, but you cannot do the neuroregulatory program.
You can nevertheless carry out a brief test of the neuro-regulation program only if you are supervised and in agreement with a medical team present.
Be aware, however, that every problem has its solution and that there are other alternatives. Our skills and experiences can certainly help you. Contact us and we'll talk about it together.
You can nevertheless carry out a brief test of the neuro-regulation program only if you are supervised and in agreement with a medical team present.
Be aware, however, that every problem has its solution and that there are other alternatives. Our skills and experiences can certainly help you. Contact us and we'll talk about it together.
You are pregnant
If you are pregnant, you can perform the TEST, which is completely non-invasive. There is therefore no contraindication to do it.
You can follow a neuro-regulation program, but only until the end of the first trimester of your pregnancy.
You can follow a neuro-regulation program, but only until the end of the first trimester of your pregnancy.
Have a question and cannot find the answer in the FAQ?
You can submit it to us
or ask Aonghas during your first free meeting.
You can submit it to us
or ask Aonghas during your first free meeting.